Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging | Building Inspections Perth | Timber Pest Inspections Fremantle Perth

Thermal Imaging: The Latest Technology

When it comes to Building Inspections, Timber Pest Inspections and Pest Control we approach things from a number of angles.  We are keen to use our extensive experience along with the latest technology to ensure we offer a high quality service.  It’s this combination which allows us to offer our warranties and guarantees to you, our valued clients.

We proudly use the FLIR cameras in our work.  Here’s what the makers of the FLIR Thermal Imaging Camera’s say about their use and benefits.

Thermal Imaging For Building Diagnostics

Missing, damaged, or inadequate insulation, building envelope air leaks, moisture intrusion, and substandard work are costly to residential and commercial building owners. An infrared camera can help you quickly see and find the sources of energy efficiencies, destructive water damage, and structural issues so you can help customers make informed decisions on needed repairs that can help them save energy dollars and stay more comfortable.

FLIR infrared cameras make it easy to perform non-destructive inspections that isolate cold and warm air infiltration/exfiltration so necessary repairs and improvements can be made to tighten energy efficiency. FLIR thermal imagers can also instantly show temperature differences that verify what’s wet and what’s dry and are the inspection cameras preferred most by building experts for fast, reliable diagnosing of a full range of building applications.

>> more can be read here

Thermal Imaging | Building Inspections Perth | Timber Pest Inspections Fremantle

With our thermal imaging camera we are able to see beyond what the naked eye can see.  This provides a different aspect to our work and additional information which assists with our pre-purchase building and timber pest inspections in and around Perth, Fremantle and surrounding suburbs.

on April 29 • by

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